Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kang Ho Dong Baekjong

This week on pandagrub we are going to do a restaurant review of Kang Ho Dong Baekjong.

This is Kang Ho Dong Baekjong.  It is located in Koreatown in Los Angeles.  The address is 3465 W. 6th Street, Suite 20, Los Angeles, 90020.

If you don't speak Korean, you are probably wondering what the name means.  "Kang Ho Dong" is the name of a person.  This is Kang Ho Dong! He is a Korean comedian and MC. He owns this chain of restaurants.  He is known for his funny personality and his resemblance to Psy.  "Baekjong" means butcher in Korean. This makes sence because the restaurant serves lots of different kinds of meat.

Before ordering the meat, I got a dosirak.  A dorisak is an old style metal lunch box.  Normally, you would just eat the rice and side dishes inside, but here, they magically change a regular dorisak into bibimbap!  In the picture above the waiter is shaking my dosirak to mix it up.

This is what my dosirak looked like after the waiter finished shaking it. My dosirak contained rice, kimchi, fried egg,and seaweed. I enjoyed the dosirak because it wasn't too spicy or too salty.  Also, the ingredients all mixed together to make a really satisfying combination.

This was our table at the restaurant. The table was filled with yummy side dishes like kimchi,eggs, and bean sprouts. The "moat" around the grill is filled with scrambled eggs, corn and cheese, and veges,

In the picture above my mom is grilling the thin beef skirt.  The kalbi is to the left and cooked to medium rare perfection! As you can see, we really dug into the corn and eggs around the grill!

 The panda in the picture above is named Periwinkle. Periwinkle is sitting with a bowl which contains beef skirt, egg, corn, and spicy bean sprouts. The meat was cooked perfectly and tasted so great hot off the grill.

I enjoyed this restaurant, and I will definitely come back. The atmosphere at the restaurant is really fun also!  There's loud KPOP playing, lots of people having fun, and super friendly waiters and waitresses who are attentive and greet everyone LOUDLY!  This was the best Korean BBQ that I've ever had. For more information about Kang Ho Dong Baekjong click here and here.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I love Korean food. Got to try out this place. We went to a Korean restaurant in Diamond Bar once and my sister left her retainers there. She later had to dig through their trash cans to look for them. Luckily, she found them!
