Sunday, May 13, 2012

Restaurant Review: Guppy House

 This week on pandagrub we are going to be doing a restaurant review on  Guppy House. We went to the Guppy House in Irvine. Guppy House has four locations. There is also a Guppy House in Diamond Bar, Hacienda Heights, Cerritos, and Anaheim. 

The panda in the picture above is named Dim Sum. Dim Sum is very excited to be going to Guppy House! He heard about Guppy House on SGVFoodie.

 Dim Sum is sitting with my mom's dish. My mom ordered the popcorn chicken salad. She thought that it was good because it was very fresh. She especially enjoyed the chicken because it was fried to "perfection".

 Now Dim Sum is perching on my dad's dish. My dad ordered the popcorn chicken with rice. My dad thought that his dish was  satisfying because of the portion size. He also enjoyed the raisins in the potato salad.

 Dim Sum is very excited to try my brother's dish. He ordered the beef porridge. He thought that it was very delicious because the beef was very tender.

 Dim Sum is now sitting with the last main course of the day. He is sitting with my dish. I ordered the dumpling soup. I didn't like the dumplings because there was too much filling inside each dumpling. Instead of eating the dumpling I drank the veal broth. The veal broth was good because it had a lot of flavor and it had the perfect amount of seasoning. 

 Finally it is dessert time! Dim Sum is very excited to eat the dark chocolate brick toast. He is so excited that his mouth is watering!

Dim Sum loved the brick toast because it was very chocolately and it had the perfect amount of sweetness. He almost finished the whole plate! Dim Sum left no dessert for us.:(

For Mother's Day, Dim Sum and I gave my mom some flowers. Dim Sum has made a home in one of the orange tulips. 


  1. What a great and fun restaurant review! Next time we will have the giant BASIN full of shave ice. Thank you for a perfect day!

  2. Guppy House looks like a very fun and yummy place. I bet your mom had a lovely Mother's Day! The orange tulip looks like the perfect home for Dim Sum, I know I would love to live inside such a gorgeous flower! Btw why is the restaurant named Guppy House?
