Sunday, November 18, 2012

Restaurant Review: Seoul Sausage

This week on pandagrub we are going to do a restaurant review on Seoul Sausage. Seoul Sausage won the Great Food Truck Race on Food Network. You may remember Seoul Sausage from my 626 Night Market post.
 Seoul Sausage's address is 11313 Mississippi Ave. Los Angeles,CA 90025.

 The panda in the picture above is named Boba. Boba is sitting with my meal. I ordered one flaming fried ball and one Lil 'Osaka fried ball. The Lil 'Osaka fried balls consist of curry and rice. The flaming fried balls contain kimchi fried rice and cheese. 

 This is the inside of the Lil 'Osaka ball. I enjoyed fried ball this very much because of its bold flavors and perfect seasoning. My favorite part of this ball was the curry.

Although both fried balls were good, Boba and I enjoyed the Kimchi ball more because it was spicy. The cheese was a very nice touch. My favorite part of this fried ball was the kimchi.
 Now Boba is sitting with what my dad and brother ordered. They both ordered the same thing: galbi sausage sandwiches. They thought that the sausage was juicy,moist,and very flavorful.

Boba,my dad,my brother,and I all shared this dish. We got one of the specials called Da KFC (Korean Fried Chicken). It was kimchi cornbread and spicy chicken. We all enjoyed the kimchi cornbread more than the chicken because the chicken was a little bit hard.(I think my mom's recipe of this dish is much better.) However,seasoning of both components of the dish was impeccable.
That kimchi cornbread and fried chicken were the perfect way to end lunch. We will definitely come back to Seoul Sausage. Next time Boba and I will try the Spicy Pork sandwich with apple cabbage slaw. For the full information about Seoul Sausage click here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mia--great review, I'm very jealous, I remember your previous review of Seoul Sausage and as I was watching the Great Food Truck Race i was rooting for them. I would love try some of their food. The fried balls look scrumptious!
